Alistair Dermer

Alistair Dermer


Communicating change – Northern and Yorke NRMB – doing it the right way

Northern and Yorke NRM Board (N&Y NRMB) have, for over ten years, been actively engaging with the communities within their region.  Conservation Action Planning (developed within the Open Standards) has been the mechanism by which they both develop plans and programs and engage with the communities.

As part of a recent review and active shift to engage more broadly with the Aboriginal Communities within the N & Y NRMB region, N & Y NRMB have been investing in a number of strategies and resources to ensure a balanced perspective is being incorporated into decision making, now and into the future.

Matthew Turner, the Aboriginal Partnerships Officer, for N & Y NRMB is dedicated to maintaining relationships across the N & Y NRMB region, encompassing five Aboriginal Nations, with the majority of the region crossing over Nukunu, Ngadjuri and Narungga nations. 

Recent activities include the development of a N & Y NRMB Aboriginal Engagement Strategy, short films relating to the engagement strategy (including posters, brochures, and designed plans) and now, the development of Healthy Country Plans for Nukunu and Narungga. 

Conservation Management has been privileged to have been supporting N & Y NRMB with all of these activities.  Providing on-ground support, facilitation of workshops, editorial and content support, graphic design, photography, and film production. 

Change is the one consistent element of landscapes and their management. 

Communications is the key to understanding the changes of the past, the required changes for the future, and how collectively to achieve the change required by those connected to country, to make all healthier.


Aboriginal Engagement Strategy


Narungga Country


Nukunu Country


Ngadjuri Country


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