Could philanthropy help fund your organisation?

High-value philanthropy in Australia has launched new natural and cultural resource management at scale, funded innovation outside the scope of government programs, and helped fund core organisational capacity for more than 20 years. Could philanthropic funding be right for your organisation?

This course will be delivered online through a combination of live group sessions, 1:1 work with facilitators, and independent work. Group sessions will be broken up with break-out sessions, interactive exercises and short coffee breaks.




The course is delivered by Conservation Management, supporting best-practice community land management globally, and Xponential, Australia’s big gift philanthropy specialists, for leaders of cultural and natural resource management organisations in Australia.




  • What is philanthropy and how does it work?
  • People and foundations which support land and cultural resources management: how do you reach them? How do they make decisions? How is philanthropic funding different from government grant funding?
  • The organisational case for support: what is it, and how does it help your fundraising? Project design and impact/outcomes measurement as the foundation.
  • How to build a fundraising audience.
  • Individual donors and foundations – the steps to identify, cultivate interest, ask and apply for funds, and how to report impact.
  • In-house & outsourcing – skill and knowledge requirements of a fundraising program.
  • Your organisation’s readiness – a guided self-assessment.




  • Sufficient understanding of high-value philanthropy in Australia to assess whether a philanthropy strategy could work for your organisation.
  • Understanding of what preparation, skills and systems are needed for a fundraising program to gain and retain revenue from high-value philanthropy.
  • Practise of two key skills – the opening to conversation and the discovery process with prospective donors.



1.30pm – 4pm AEDT

Week 1: 9 and 10 November 2021

Week 2: 16 and 17 November 2021



Delivered remotely through a combination of group sessions, 1:1 work with facilitators, and guided independent work.  You will have access to a Website with notes, resources and examples.



Work with others in your organisation to consider the question: is a philanthropic fundraising program suited to our organisation? Complete the Organisational Readiness Self-Assessment and Case for Support under the expert guidance of the facilitators.

Bring key decision-makers from your organisation into the fundraising readiness self-assessment session.



Meet and hear from both fundraising and fund-giving organisations relevant to natural and cultural resource managers.




Indigenous organisations

All other organisations

Register by  October 15




Register after  October 15







Register below by October 15 to access early-bird rates



[email protected]

0415 189 467


  • November 09, 2021 – November 10, 2021
  • Delivered online
  • 1 person is going
  • Toona Berwick


To join the waiting list

* denotes required field

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